If you have one of these five traits, you are probably smarter than average.

If you are an only kid or the older sibling. Basically, having your parents’ entire attention early on in your life helped shape you into such a bright individual. As a result, only children and elder siblings enjoy an intellectual advantage from an early age, which has nothing to do with their parents’ IQ. In families with siblings, the elder child typically takes on the “teaching” role in the relationship.

True story: even though my younger brother believes he is brighter than me, I will never let him forget that I taught him to read. You are a lefty. Sorry, righties, but study suggests lefties are more creative and have higher memory skills. According to research and studies conducted at The University of Athens, left-handed people are better at swiftly coming up with answers and innovative ideas when confronted with mental obstacles.

You stay awake late. According to science, those who stay up late tend to earn more money and are just more intellectual than those who get up early. According to studies, night owls excel in both inductive reasoning and innovative thinking. Staying up late is one technique to increase your chances of success because it allows you to live a more comfortable lifestyle.

Five signs that a person is smarter than average

You can make others chuckle. A study conducted in the 1970s found that comedians have higher IQs than the general population. Aside from being educated, funny people are better conversationalists and have higher sexual attractiveness. That being said, it has been established that how hilarious you are is related to the number of sexual partners you have had.

You are introverted. There is a lot of evidence that introverted persons are generally more bright. According to a study conducted by The Gifted Development Center, 60% of gifted youngsters are introverted. Studies also reveal that introverts have higher verbal intelligence than extroverts. It’s not true that being an unfunny, right-handed, extroverted morning person means you’re not smart. These are just a few characteristics that can indicate you’re smarter than average. You can read the entire list here.

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