My mother-in-law criticized me behind my back, and she is no longer welcome in our home.

We recently held a meal for my in-laws and my 29-year-old brother-in-law, who remains single. The evening began brilliantly; my mother-in-law even complimented me for hosting such a great family gathering. Everything was going well until I overheard my mother-in-law speaking privately with my husband. To my astonishment, I overheard her add, “You should tell your wife not to wear such revealing clothing in front of your brother.”

He is a single man, and it is unacceptable for her to expose so much skin around him.”I was furious, but I chose to remain calm and continue with my evening as if nothing had occurred. I feel that I have the right to wear anything I want, particularly in my own house. I was just wearing a skirt and a tank top; it’s not my fault that I have a curvier form.

After they departed, I approached my husband, telling him that after hearing what his mother said, I no longer felt safe having her in our home. I made it plain that I am an adult woman and will not be dominated in any way. What are your opinions about my reaction?

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