Brazilian Artist Turns Old Street Tires Into Beds For…

Instead of leaving the tires to end up in a landfill, Silva decided to upcycle them into eco-friendly beds for animals. Starting the company Cãominhas Pets, Silva began walking the streets of Brazil, collecting the used tires to use in his new venture.

Cãominhas Pets focuses on sustainable development and does its best to make Brazil a cleaner and happier place. wipes the tires, removes the rims, sews on the cushions, and starts a complete transformation (very cute).

Silva estimates that he’s already removed 1,500 old tires from the streets. Painting the tires in happy colors and designs, the beds are filled with comfortable foam bedding, waterproof material, and sturdy handles for easy mobility.

In an email with Green Matters, Silva estimates that “over the course of two years, I already removed 1,500 units of old tires from the environment making only the [pet beds]”.

In addition to animal beds, the company also produces custom tire furniture; does its part to reduce Brazil’s ecological footprint. By his own conjecture, Silva believes that the total number of reused tires is between 5,000 and 6,000 tires.

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