Everybody loves a good riddle once in a while and solving hard word searches on a regular basis can even improve your problem-solving skills and logical thinking. It makes your brain cells go wild while trying to come with the answer and when you do solve it,
the feeling of accomplishment is more than gratifying. This time, we have prepared some word searches for you – simple yet very satisfying hidden words puzzles for you to solve.
All you have to do is find the words in the pictures below. We don’t want to torture you with the unknown, so we’ll say that there are precisely six hidden words in pictures, and they do relate to the themes of the drawings.
And if these word puzzles are not enough for you, try our hidden picture challenge! Answer is: book (father’s glasses), novel (father’s chair), read (on rug), story (mother reading), page (boy’s pants), words (in plant)
Highlights Hidden Words in Pictures: Fun in the rain: The answer is: clouds (in bush), damp (storm drain), puddle (boy’s raincoat), showers (orange umbrella), stormy (on Tree), wet (purple umbrella)