Toddler gives dad a no-nonsense lecture on why it’s not OK to leave the toilet seat up

Everyone in the house needs to have it down at some point, so, gentlemen, what’s the big deal here? Why does someone need to touch a toilet seat just because you were too lazy or forgetful to do it before you washed your hands? Three-year-old Bradlee Rae Hayes from Bedford, Texas simply said what all women are thinking when they see the toilet seat up.

In a viral video from 2016 that’s making the rounds yet again – because men still haven’t learned – the toddler berates her dad for his constant lack of consideration. “How many times do I have to tell you when you put the seat up and I tell you to put it down for me? Why do you keep doing that?” the little girl says.

Her dad has no explanation, simply the infuriating response: “Well, you just gotta put it down.” But here’s where Bradlee becomes our hero. She knows she shouldn’t have to. You lift it up, YOU put it down.

“I don’t want to [put it down], I just want you to do it.” Her dad has no explanation, simply the infuriating response: “Well, you just gotta put it down.” But here’s where Bradlee becomes our hero. She knows she shouldn’t have to. You lift it up, YOU put it down.

“I don’t want to [put it down], I just want you to do it. That’s not asking a lot, guys. But because Bradlee’s dad Jeremiah knows he’s got a cute moment on his hands, he presses the issue to keep her talking, pretending it’s a big deal that he has to put the seat up AND down. Heaven forbid.

Luckily, this kiddo isn’t going to let bad manners slide. Dad needs to learn how to respect everyone in the house and she’s going to tell him how to do it. “Daddy, listen to me, when you’re done with the potty, you gotta put it down when big girl come in and need go… So you’ve got to put it down for girls.”

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