When an elderly man expressed concern about the cost of his prescription medicine and pondered ordering less, a compassionate woman stepped forward from the prescription line and paid his entire charge!
A young woman was waiting in line at Walgreens for a prescription when she overheard an elderly guy at the counter discussing payment with the pharmacist. In an online post, she said, “OKAY, I just saw the most wonderful thing today.” “I was sitting in line at Walgreens for my prescription when I spotted this man picking up his medication.”
The elderly man appeared nervous, and asked the pharmacist how much his total was. After a bit of discussing, she asked him if he would prefer to only get one month’s worth of medicine instead of three, to lower the price.
“He is asking how much they are, and starting to get nervous about the price. The total was $170, and the pharmacist asked if he would rather only get one month of his medicines instead of three.”
As the elderly man was deciding what to do, another woman in line walks up to the desk and tells the pharmacist that she is paying for all three months of his medicine.“THIS lady next to me, walks up to them and says, “NO, he is getting all three months,” and pays for his bill.
I was walking out of there with tears in my eyes, what an amazing woman…”Many hearts online have been moved by the compassion this woman showed to the elderly man.
“Your story made me cry… Thanks for sharing it,” wrote one grateful heart.
You are Loved.