Brandon Dahl, our toddler hero, lives with his parents and four siblings in Alvord, Texas. His parents tested positive for COVID-19, which rendered them oblivious to the fire’s smoke.
Brandon was vigilant, and he sensed that something wasn’t right. This happened a couple of days ago at 4:30 a.m. He detected a whiff of smoke and noted that it was unusually hot. “He tapped me on the back of the head in bed, coughing and saying, ‘Mama, hot.’ “Hot, Mama,” says the narrator. Brandon’s mother, Kayla Dahl, recounted.
“I turned around. I looked, and all I saw was flames in the doorway.” The family of seven quickly went out of their house and thankfully, no one was harmed. They were able to get out before the flames engulfed the entire house.
“We had seconds,” Nathan Dahl, Brandon’s dad described. “It’s nothing short of a miracle,” this volunteer firefighter added. This family is thankful to their youngest bundle of joy. “He saved our entire family,” Kayla said.
“I mean, he’s our little mini hero.”The Fire Department believed that the blaze started from the gas heater in the living room. Their fire alarms also did not go off until they got out.
The Dahls lost everything to the fire. Thankfully, they are staying with family and are slowly recovering from what happened. “It’s going to be a long, hard road to get to be where we need to be and to replace those material items,” Kayla said.
They lost everything, but they can still bounce back from what happened. Brandon is a great blessing, and because of him, they will face this challenge intact and full of hope as a family. “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” Thessalonians 5:16-18. Source: