This girl was one of the most beautiful girls in her childhood, now she has grown up. And how she looks now will just amaze you!

A girl from Australia, Meika Woollard, became a successful model at the age of 3. One day, the manager of a modeling agency noticed her and her mom on a walk and offered to bring the baby to them, maybe she would like it. Today we are to tell you what has changed in 13 years, what the girl looks like now and what she is doing.

Her modeling career began in 2007. She began to be invited to shows, she filmed for Kids Fashion Week, and she collaborated with the Warner Brothers film company in 2012. Everyone in the room was blown away by the girl’s stunning appearance. She was later named one of the world’s top 100 most beautiful children.

Every year, she grew more beautiful, tender, and sweet. She is now pursuing her modeling career on her own. In addition, she has already tried her hand at acting, appearing in films such as “Superhero” and “Bluff.” She now actively maintains her blog on social media, where she has a sizable following.

After all, it’s impossible not to be moved by such beauty. We previously discussed the girl Vivien, who has an unusual appearance due to her parents’ different nationalities.

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