Being a parent is not an easy task. And being a single parent is a double duty. This was experienced by a single father Chatchai Panuthai, who lives in Thailand.He decided to come to school to his two sons in a woman’s dress. All so that they could participate in the celebration of Mother’s Day.
It turns out that on August 12, Thailand celebrates Mother’s Day. This celebration is accompanied every year by the tradition of kneeling children before their mothers as a sign of gratitude. Chatchai’s wife, the mother of 5-year-old Ozon and 3-year-old Imsom, left them and went to live in Europe.
The absence of a woman should not have prevented the children from enjoying a holiday. As a result, their father decided to dress as a mother and attend school. “I think the sons of Chatchai didn’t even understand what happened,” a friend of a single father said. Why did Dad put on a woman’s dress?
“If the children did not appreciate their father’s performance, then all the adults at the festival dubbed Chatchai Panuthai “mother of the year.”Would you be brave enough to try such an experiment? Surprisingly, I agree. As you can see, the father’s love outweighs the mother’s.