There are still good individuals in our midst. The neighbors banded together to fix the pensioner’s home.

There is a regulation in the state of New Jersey, USA, that requires all owners of homes and plots to maintain them in order and clean: they must be colored and fixed on time to keep the street looking nice and tidy. Unfortunately, some individuals are just incapable of adhering to such restrictions. Someone just does not have enough money, and someone does not do it due to health or age…

Ann Glancy was in such a predicament. She could no longer keep her home and yard in order. The paint had long ago flaked away, and the place had been abandoned for quite some time. Furthermore, the woman’s pension was meager; she barely made ends meet. As a result, she just did not have the time to maintain her home on a regular basis. Ann, on the other hand, was lucky to have wonderful neighbors.

They decided to gather finances and clean up the home on their own. The lady was first humiliated and opposed this suggestion. But she eventually got a hefty fine that she just could not afford. And she agreed. The neighbors were soon joined by their friends, and the work started to heat up. It was a delight to work with such a large firm, and especially so fast. Almost the whole summer, the helpers worked on weekends.

And soon, the home was difficult to identify. The sheathing was replaced, and the windows and porch were fixed. Ann ultimately established friends with the personnel, and they started to pay her visits on a regular basis. Ann would have spent at least $10,000 for such repairs, but the wonderful neighbors performed it all for free.

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