One small girl received a gift card with a message while shopping at Toy Story, and the significance of the gesture of generosity will make you teary-eyed. Caitlin Foster of Northern Ireland brought her daughter Lacey to Smyth’s to shop for a toy with the £10 she had received from her grandma. “We were at my grandmother’s home, which is just around the corner from Smyth’s. Caitlin said, “And she had given Lacey £10 to pick herself a toy.”
While Lacey was shopping, three staff approached Caitlin and presented her with a £50 gift card for her daughter to spend. Someone had purchased it and instructed the shop employees to identify a youngster of pre-school age in the store to give it to. “She was attempting to choose things that were more than £10, but I kept telling her she had to stick to it, which was clearly a difficult option for her.”
“Caitlin said. “We were in the aisle when three Smyth’s employees approached us. I’m thinking one of them was the manager. And they requested whether they may hand over the gift card to me. And that it had been put there by a mother in remembrance of her four-year-old daughter. I suddenly began weeping, and then the staff started crying as well. It was an extremely emotional experience. They claimed to have been sobbing all morning after learning about the card.”
What a lovely way for one mother to remember her daughter, Juno. Our thoughts go out to her after her tragic loss. Caitlin wanted to share her story on social media in case the mother saw it and wondered who received her present. “And all I can say is that if Juno’s mother is reading this, please accept my heartfelt gratitude.”
“Caitlin spoke up. “She made my little child very happy, and I’m thinking about her and her family. What she has done is really nice, and it has motivated others to do the same.” God bless Juno’s mother as she continues to remember and cherish her darling baby through acts of kindness.