Hardworking Widow Goes Back To College To Fulfill Last Promise She Made To Late Husband

Going to college takes a lot of motivation, and this woman has something special to hold on to as she faces the challenges of college life.Tiffany Eckert, a 41-year-old mother of three, is about to keep her final promise to her husband.Andy Eckert, her husband, was sent into an active war zone just a few months after they married, causing him to miss some special moments in their family.

They got pregnant with their first child, Marlee, before Andy left, but he was unable to attend her birth. Tiffany, on the other hand, wanted to honor her husband and his service to the country by giving their daughter the middle name “Freedom.” Andy met Marlee for the first time when she was 11 months old, and before he returned for his second deployment, they became pregnant again, and he was able to return on leave for his son’s birth, but he had to return immediately.

Tiffany was on the phone with Andy on Mother’s Day, and he promised her that she would return to school to earn a college degree. That was their final exchange before Tiffany got the bad news. Tiffany received another call a few hours after their previous call. Andy was killed when an IED exploded next to his Humvee, she was told.

Tiffany worked hard for her family as a single mother of three, and after 18 years, her children had all grown up and were attending college, so she decided it was time to fulfill her last promise to her late husband. Tiffany completed the Human Development and Family Studies program in three years, which is normally completed over four years. She also became a member of the Sigma Kappa sorority to make the most of her college experience, and her “sisters” adored her.

Tiffany is about to graduate next month and is considering either continuing her education or finding work in her field. In any case, we’re sure Andy is extremely proud of her and her accomplishments.

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