“Anyone born before 1976?” He first flew in a training car this year. Today he retired. Captain Conrad said goodbye to passengers to start the flight. He would pilot his last flight. Tik-Tok went viral after his farewell speech was recorded.
Even the passengers cried and smiled.The pilot asked a simple question before takeoff. I want to see the hand forest. How many were born here before 1976?” Many on this plane were over 44, and dozens of palms flew. Oh, this flight is full of seniors. Conrad laughed.
He first flew at a Colorado training airfield this year. He flew Air Power planes for 43 years after his first flight. Flying caught him. He switched eight planes and lost track of how many times he lifted the car. 10000 times? Or fifteen?He can finally retire after flying 25,000 kilometers.
Conrad’s final flight was difficult. “I’m glad you all came here to see me off for retirement,” he joked. — Is the flight safe? I’m with my spouse. This will be your safest flight.” To the passengers’ applause, Conrad returned to the cockpit to do his job. Now—one last time before a well-deserved rest. This pilot, who loved flying, switched to a courier bag. Why?