He began an impossible journey. He had a loyal companion. Taiwanese Datuk rarely leaves home. 97-year-old grandfather is hard to move, forgetful, and easily lost. However, a man left home for a long time without warning, alarming the family. After several hours, the Taiwanese was found on a road near home.The old man remembered that he had not seen his 89-year-old wife, who had moved to a nursing home due to dementia.
He had two kilometers to go, which was difficult for a man who could barely walk. As Datuk’s son-in-law, Pan Shuhua, said, his father-in-law’s faithful cat, Xiao Ke, never left his side. 15 years ago, Xiao Ke entered a Taiwanese home. As a kitten, the man saved her from the street, and she loved him unconditionally. Datuk’s cat is his loyal friend and protector. His wife left for a nursing home, leaving him alone.
Xiao Ke was the only one who could cheer up grandfather, whose children and grandchildren worked and saw him only in the evenings.His faithful companion followed him everywhere. Xiao Ke went with her master when he suddenly went for a walk. The Taiwanese said he struggled to walk and often rested. The cat waited for him. They walked nearly three hours.
Xiao Ke purred loudly to help the exhausted man get ready and move on. Grandfather believes he would have been lost without a loyal assistant. Pan Shuhua says this is typical Xiao Ke behavior. She always protects the owner, even from relatives.
Datuk’s family is grateful for the company. If the owner is sick and stays in bed, Xiao Ke sounds the alarm. The cat always protects the one who gave her a warm home and love, even in unusual situations.