OMG!!! Watch this Video: Man Saves Toddler Who Plummeted From The 6th Floor.

If you’ve ever wondered what it means to be “in the right place at the right time,” look no further.A video of a man rescuing a kid who had fallen from a building in Tongxiang City, East China, will undoubtedly raise your pulse rate.

According to China Daily, Shen Dong was ready to step into his bank when he heard a loud bang coming from the building across the street. Shen did not hesitate to investigate what had occurred. That’s when he observed something: a toddler had fallen from the sixth to the second level, slamming into an advertisement board.

Shen didn’t have time to think about what had happened since the toddler had fallen again, this time straight to the bottom of the building. Fortunately, Shen opened his arms, and the tiny girl fell precisely into them. This entire rescue seemed to be something out of a movie, but it happened.

Shen drove the 2-year-old to a local hospital after catching her. While she did sustain some injuries, they pale in comparison to what may have happened if Shen had not been present at the time of her fall. Watch the tense rescue below and don’t forget to tell a friend about Shen’s brave rescue.

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