Science Says These 5 Hacks Will Seriously Improve Your Memory In The Long Run

Personally, I adore discovering new study hacks because if there’s any way to streamline the learning process so that I can spend more time eating tacos and enjoying the remaining few weeks of warm weather, I’m all in.

One of my favorite memory hacks, for example, is to mark key milestones in a study session with Starbursts, so that you get a small reward once you commit each piece to memory. However, this is not the only simple approach to improving your memory; in fact, there are other simple strategies for increasing your brain strength and ability to recall information.

Even if it isn’t the back-to-school season for you, these memory-boosting techniques can be beneficial to everyone — after all, we’ve all experienced the panic-inducing sensation of forgetting where you last put your phone, right?

1. Drink coffee *after* studying. 2. Go to bed at a reasonable hour. 3. Incorporate Interval Training into Your Workout 4. Consider substituting Coffee Fruit Coffee for your PSL. 5. Unwind (Seriously, But)

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