This boy uses a fishing magnet to catch a stolen safe, and what he discovers inside is incredible.

Treasure-seeking remains a large industry, made the more so by the growing popularity of employing a fishing magnet. The fishing magnet method, which has received widespread coverage on YouTube and other social media platforms, employs powerful magnets tied to thick ropes, which enthusiasts then lower into rivers. They then sit back and wait to observe what the magnets attract.

A fishing magnet, on the other hand, does not necessarily unearth riches. When a magnet fisherman in Michigan in 2019 discovered a World War I mortar grenade, the bomb squad was contacted. Law enforcement and other government organizations are also paying close attention to the fishing magnet pastime since criminals often throw firearms and stolen objects into waterways after committing a crime.

George and his father Kevin Tindale are partners in their fishing magnet hobby.

When fishing magnet aficionados discover a fantastic discovery, the narrative that follows is oftentimes the actual treasure. That narrative, it turns out, belongs to 15-year-old George Tindale of the famed fishing magnet YouTube channel Magnetic G. When George and his 52-year-old father Kevin of Grantham, Lincolnshire, UK, went fishing magnet searching in the River Witham, they found a remarkable find.

Their two strong magnets drew out a safe that had been submerged in the river! After breaking into the safe with a crowbar, the father and son discovered $2,500 Australian cash (equal to $1,800 USD), a shotgun certificate, and credit cards that expired in 2004. The Tindales tracked out the safe’s owner, Rob Everett, using the firearms certificate and credit cards.

Magnets tied to strong ropes are coiled before using.

Everett is the proprietor of Winkworth and the Money Options Group in Grantham. George and his parents, Kevin and Denise, went to Everett to return the money after establishing ownership of the safe. The safe was taken during an office theft in 2000 and dropped in the river. “I recall at the moment, they busted down a cabinet to get to the safe,” Everett said. I was simply furious because a good pen, a Montblanc, had gone missing from my desk.”

A teenage teenager perpetrated the heist and was apprehended after leaving a headgear with his name embroidered inside. When Everett met with the Tindales, he gave George a little token of appreciation for his candor and also offered him an internship. Everett was supposedly pleased by the boy’s arithmetic abilities, which George demonstrated in a YouTube video while counting Australian dollars.

The Tindales get ready to go fishing magnet hunting.

“Some folks are just amazing. They’ve gone to such lengths. I offered George a modest prize. What’s wonderful about it is that George is allegedly a strong mathematician, and I now operate a wealth management firm, and I’ve given him job experience when he’s ready to give something back, give him some chance. I’d love to have him work for us. “He’s just 15 years old, but give him a little more time, and I’d be delighted to give him a chance,” Everett added.

Everett’s confidence in mankind has become stronger as a result of the 22-year-long drama. “I was absolutely astonished that they’d been able to hunt me out,” he said. There are some very wonderful individuals in the world. They could have kept the money and claimed that they tried to contact me.” “There’s a tremendous lesson there,” Everett said. It teaches George that doing well, being truthful, and giving back is more fulfilling than receiving.”

The Tindales haul up a safe while fishing magnet hunting.

“I mean, it was wonderful actually,” George recalls. We took the safe out, and it contained all of the money. We approximately tallied it on the bank and I believe we totalled it about two and a half grand, and we were simply astounded.” “[Rob] was fantastic,” he said after meeting Everett. If I ever need job experience after graduation, he says the doors are always open.”

George’s fishing magnet pastime is more than just treasure seeking. Exploring streams, according to his mother, has taught George about water pollution and its effects on animals. “George is really concerned about the environment. “He’s been like this since elementary school,” Denise said. “When he initially began doing this, he was looking for riches.” “Everything eventually ends up in the rivers and canals.”

The Tindales count the cash they found in the safe.

Not everyone who discovers a safe full of cash has the courage to return it to its proper owner. George has said that this has been his finest fishing magnet experience to date, and it is certain that this will encourage others to do good while seeking for treasure. In the video below, you can see George’s story:

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