This woman leaves one empty seat for dead son at her wedding – breaks down when she sees who interrupts ceremony

Weddings are unique events that should always be filled with love and happiness. Becky Turner’s special day was ruined by the sad news that her son had died not long before. She did everything she could to make sure her marriage to the man of her dreams went as smoothly as possible. She didn’t want her whole life to fall apart. Nothing seemed to be going wrong with the day’s events.

At least, it was until a stranger showed up and changed everything. Triston, her 19-year-old son, died from a gunshot wound that wasn’t meant to be there. The teen gave organs to people who needed them so they could live the life he couldn’t. Becky and Kelly were going to get married in Alaska after a very hard time of grief. Becky left her son a seat with a note that would hurt his heart even more. Becky was going to enjoy her special day without honoring him, even though he wasn’t there in person.

Becky and Kelly were on track to say their vows as planned, and the service looked like it was going as planned. After that, the wedding was called off right before Becky and Kelly were to be married. Kelly had been telling Becky a shocking secret for months, one that would make everyone at the wedding cry. Becky had no idea what the secret was. Jacob Kilby, a 21-year-old man who showed up, was immediately recognized by Becky. His parts were given to people who needed them after he died.

Some of them were Jacob, who had come 480 miles to the event and been given Triston’s heart. A few months before the wedding, Kelly called the man and asked him to come. Also, while using a stethoscope, Becky heard the beating of her dead son in Jacob’s chest. Becky heard her son’s heart for the first time since the terrible accident, and it made her special day even more meaningful. Through Jacob, Triston’s memory will live on.

It goes without saying that not many people in the area had dry eyes because of how Jacob looked. Triston has died, so there is nothing that can be done to bring him back. But Becky can think back on her wedding day and know that both a physical and mental part of him was there. Maybe it was just us, but reading about this made us cry. Click “SHARE” on Facebook if you agree with what was written to help get the word out about this story.

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