Does man who has someone still love his wife or does he just want a divorce to be with his lover?

Women suffer so much when their husbands are with someone. However, they have an innate desire to think that their spouse still cares about them. This will have an impact on how well the two people’s marriage works out. Does love give rise to adultery? The tale of a guy falling in love is no longer peculiar. This notably hurts and upsets their wives a great deal. They believe their spouse is betraying them and has lost interest in them.

However, feelings are not the only reason for adultery. Men’s emotions can be fleeting at times. Unresolved psychological and bodily disappointments may also be the cause. Even with someone else, men still adore their wives. This is a very regular occurrence, particularly in long-term marriages. The love that exists between two individuals will change after they have lived together for some time.

This is the moment when love is buried under a mountain of concerns. Financial concerns are too great, family boredom is too great, or sexual difficulties are not as warm as they once were.In addition, men never find contentment in living a monogamous life. When that happens, they won’t long for a second room to stroke their ego.

When they are still deeply in love with their wives, men have someone by instinct. However, they still have a secret desire to sneak outside and share a bed with a third party. Just realize that this stems from a man’s desire and discontentment with marriage. Men no longer love their wives after committing infidelity.

There are numerous reasons why marriages break down and develop cracks. The growing amount of disagreements will eventually cause the husband and wife to despise one another. When a husband wants to fall in love again and wants to find his soul mate, it is natural. Now their marriage is merely a front. If there is love, it comes from the wife alone.

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