How to make a man miss you and love you more

1. Leave him little reminders of your time with him. He would think of you right away if he found a single earring or a cute note from you. The next thing that will come to mind when I think of you is the time we’ve spent together. 3. You don’t have to be ready for him to call you all the time. Wait a minute and let him hang there. It’s okay to let the call go to voicemail sometimes. Do not get back to him right away. He can only think about you while he waits for you to answer.

4. Do not get into a big fight right away. Allow things to move slowly on their own. When you get to know each other little by little, the excitement stays and you can enjoy the process more. You should help him slow down if he’s in a hurry. 5. Get yourself a smell that isn’t too strong for him to notice when you’re around, but strong enough for him to miss it when you’re gone.

Because smell and memory are linked, when he misses your scent, he will also want to be with you again. 6. Leave some room for a surprise at the start of the relationship. Once you show him everything on the first day, there will be nothing left to make him want to see you again. Do not tell him everything that is going to happen. Just give him a hint. This will make him want to spend time with you.

7. Men want to be the most important thing in your life. His mood will get a little worse if they hear that you are having a great time with your friends. After that, he’d want to do something even better than the fun thing you did with your friends. Let him get a little competitive here. Without a doubt, you’ll both enjoy it.

8. A tiny bit of jealousy once in a while also doesn’t hurt. You could hint that there are other interesting guys in your life if you are just starting to date. After being married for a while, start being interested in things outside of the home. 9. Take your time with your clothes and makeup. After a night out with him, make sure he gets the best food possible so that he wants more as soon as you say goodnight.

10. Make him work for the time you spend with him. You don’t have to work too hard to get his attention, but you should let him know that you won’t always wait for him to make plans.

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