Doing These 6 Things Will Make You Lose Her, Even If She Loves You With Her Whole Heart

1. Take her for granted. If she constantly feels taken for granted. She is usually miserable, devalued, and unappreciated. She may be tired of trying so hard. She may be growing tired of you and your relationship. Be appreciative and show her your appreciation for everything she does.

2. If you don’t listen when she speaks… If you don’t listen to her, she’ll assume you’re uninterested in her life and will stop opening up to you. She still feels isolated and disregarded. If you continue to treat her like this, you will lose her.

3. If you lie to her… There should be no lying in your relationship; even small white lies are unacceptable. If she discovers you lying, she will lose faith in you, be worried you will lie again, and never feel comfortable in your relationship again.

4. If you’re not her guardian… No matter how powerful a woman is, she will always need someone stronger to defend her. If your wife realizes you aren’t even trying to safeguard her and what she has, she will leave you.

5. If you disrespect her… If you do not respect her, her family, or her friends, she will believe that your intentions toward her are not serious since you do not care about the people she values.

6. If you consider her an alternative… She deserves to feel valued in your life. If you don’t do enough to offer her what she deserves, you’ll lose her.

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