Aside from saying I LOVE YOU, here are the things that make your partner feel cared for and special.

Aside from “I LOVE YOU,” here are the things that make your partner feel valued and cherished. I hope that after reading this post, you will turn a fresh leaf and tell your spouse the words that will turn your marriage into heaven on Earth.

1. You are extremely important to me. We all want to know that we are unique to someone, and hearing those words means everything to us. You may sometimes instigate what you want to hear back from your spouse, so tell them how much they mean to you.

2. I adore the way… Fill in the blank with anything they do that you enjoy. Praise, praise, praise. We often become so critical of ourselves and others that we forget to say what is right. Here’s your opportunity. What do you adore about your partner? Do not keep it to yourself. Tell them frequently.

3. Although I don’t “need” you, I like spending time with you. There is a distinction between “need” and “want.” Need can also imply that we are deprived in some way, less than. Want is used when you feel complete on your own yet want to do things together. It’s critical to remember your strengths in a relationship. You’re together because two complete people want to spend their lives with one another.

4. I believe you look terrific. Flattery gets you everywhere. Tell your spouse when they are “hot,” and watch as they smile and blush. 5. We have so much fun, don’t we?
Again, let something positive be said. After all, you aren’t with this individual just to share the terrible moments. So, continue to have fun together. 6. I want to grow old alongside you. Desiring to remain together for the rest of one’s life is the best praise you can pay someone. So, with love in your heart, use words to show them how much you care.

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