«Mom, was there ever a time when you needed to tell me anything important? «Not,» his mother said forcefully. Why would you think that?”Mum, am I adopted?” Then Fred proceeded to show her his genealogy DNA test findings. Surprisingly, no matches were discovered among his relatives. However, there were strong matches for a family who lived on the opposite side of the city.
Disturbed, his mother contacted her spouse. «Honey, you will not believe what happened! Fred recently received his DNA test results, which tell an interesting narrative. He might not be our son. «Well! He said. «What do you mean? »
«It was your idea from the beginning, remember?» Her spouse continued, reminding her of their first night in the hospital. «Remember that first night in the hospital when all the baby did was cry and scream? And you begged me to transform him? «I believe I chose an excellent one. “I am so proud of Fred.”