1. A man wants his wife to be pretty. A man decides to marry you based on a number of good aspects, one of which should be your attraction to him; attraction in love partnerships is impossible to fake. Although we all know that attraction fades with time, it cannot be overlooked as the foundation of a long-term relationship. Do you recall the moment your man found you sexy and desirable, liked the sensation, and fell passionately in love with you?
Perhaps you find it tough to accept a fact: as a woman’s attraction to a guy drops, the relationship tends to worsen. Of course, attraction is more than just physical attractiveness; it is also about emotional attractiveness.Based on a number of good qualities, one of the most crucial reasons why your partner chose to marry you should be your attraction to him; attraction in love relationships is tough to fake. Although we all know that attraction fades with time, it cannot be overlooked as the foundation of a long-term relationship.
2. Many men want their wives to be good mothers. The majority of marital relationships involve children in some way, and the traditional family division (“Men outside, women inside”) continues to have a strong influence on current families; when it comes to the natural ability to nurture and raise a child, a woman generally outperforms a man; and a man is grateful to see his wife’s deep willingness to take good care of their children and even make selfless sacrifices for them. Without a question, being a good mother is one of the most important attributes that a woman must possess in order to be a decent spouse.
3. A man seeks an understanding wife. Men may opt to remain silent in long-term partnerships, and scientific studies have indicated that men are more introverted than women on average. When a woman faces challenging situations, she feels compelled to confide in people closest to her. In comparison, a mature man is less likely to spill out his problems to others; many times, a man simply wants to be alone and think quietly; and in a man’s mind, it will be difficult to live a long life with a woman if he has to frequently explain to her the motivations/intentions behind his actions.
Of course, a man may not aim to hide his sentiments or keep his secrets, and he may give his girlfriend indications to allow her to figure things out for herself. When a woman believes her guy is hesitant to open up to her, if she continues to urge him to give her the story of his heart, he will become tired of her. 4. Shared interests or friendship. After marriage, women’s interest decreases, and they may become unwilling to participate in things that their partners formerly enjoyed with them. Essentially, their males may be dissatisfied because they had previously imagined that they and their women had so much in common.
It is not uncommon for a couple to have different interests. For example, while a man is playing football, his woman may want to relax with a cup of tea and a book. However, as a lifelong companion, a man secretly hopes that his lady may periodically express care about what he is interested in doing. For example, a woman dislikes watching basketball games, but her guy enjoys them, and he probably secretly wishes she could find time to go to the gym to see him play.
5. A man prefers a lady who isn’t too talkative. Women typically have a greater desire for regular, open, and honest communication. However, if life becomes more serious and hectic, this sort of communication may appear more like complaining and nagging. A man enjoys a somewhat tranquil home, and he does not want his wife to continually bother him about little matters. A male usually wants to converse and listen to his wife, but he also wants her to stop nagging.
6. A man desires a wife who is constantly caring. A wife may take her husband for granted after years or even months of marriage, but he expects her to continue to demonstrate care and concern for him. When she does this regardless of the relationship stage, he gets a clear indication of how she thinks about the relationship: she is pleasant to him and wants to have a happy life with him. He undoubtedly enjoys this. Even when she expresses compassion for his family members, he may feel delighted.
So, no matter how long you and your man have been married, don’t believe that displaying care and concern is merely a stereotypical way of greeting that can be ignored. When your husband is feeling ill, he may not want you to ask about his health. However, asking about his physical state can make him feel cared for. Additionally, making his favorite meals without prior notice can also make him feel cared for.