There is no better way to test your IQ than to solve a puzzle and see how well you do. There is a puzzle that is taking the Internet by storm and leaving those who cannot solve it perplexed.
There are many puzzles that are difficult to solve, but this one seems almost impossible. Is this puzzle really as difficult as everyone said? If you still cannot solve it, you can also find the answer and the process on the Internet.
“Most people agree that 1 = 4 is equal to 5, but when you go to the next line, where 2 + 5 is equal to 12, things get a little complicated. But what you need to do is add 2 + 5 + the last result, which is 5 in this example. Keep doing this until the end and you will find the answer. “If this formula doesn’t work,
then there is another one that might make more sense to you.”The second solution models itself from the equation: a + b = a (b). Obviously 1 + 4 = 5, but you can also get to 5 by adding 1 to 4 and multiplying by 1. In the second line, 2 + 2 (5) = 12. This is also the sum indicated in the above equation “.