There Are Curious Female Features That Seem to Attract Men the Most

Sometimes our flaws enhance our attractiveness, and the features we are shy about turn out to be adorable and even seductive for men. At Bright Side found several pieces of research that prove the following statement: being attractive doesn’t always mean being flawless.

1. Infectious laughter. According to psychologists, if we encounter someone who makes us laugh truly, a romantic relationship with that person may be beneficial. Almost every day will be filled with laughter and joyful emotions.

2.Glasses. Now you don’t have to wear your glasses just for reading. Research has shown that men see women wearing glasses as more attractive and sexy.

3.Messy hair. When males embrace women, they don’t mind ruining their hairstyles, whether it’s unkempt locks, natural waves, or a messy bun. They also appear more natural than a sophisticated hairstyle with a lot of hair spray.

4.Sweat. When you get really sweaty outside the gym, it’s kind of embarrassing. People can discriminate more than 1 trillion types of aromas. And while sweat may not be the most pleasant one,

it actually says a lot about our feelings. Scientists state that the “scent of happiness” is very contagious, and as we smell it we might feel positive emotions too.

5. Light tan lines.Light areas on your tanned body seem to look even nuder. They attract men’s attention and make them want to touch these tender parts of your skin.

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