Norma is a 90-year-old woman from Mackinaw City, Michigan was diagnosed with terminal cancer, just days after her husband of 67 years died. It all started when Norma’s results for a routine check came back with some abnormalities. The doctors then investigated and found she had a large cancerous mass on her uterus. Only a few short days after her husband had passed, she was back in the hospital discussing her treatment!
Norma, on the other hand, shocked her family and doctors by refusing all sorts of treatment. She told the physicians that she wanted to make the most of her remaining days rather than being confined to a hospital bed and monitored. She understood that if she went through with the treatment, she’d have to go through surgery, radiation, and chemo, all of which are extremely taxing on the body, perhaps even more so than the disease itself.
When the doctor asked her if she was sure of her decision, Norma’s daughter-in-law Ramie reported, “A tiny woman at 101 pounds and under five-feet tall, an exhausted Norma looked the young doctor dead in the eye and with the strongest voice she could muster, said, ‘I’m 90-years-old, I’m hitting the road.’
Norma was totally amazed by the Grand Canyon, its vivid colors, and its vastness. Not too sure if Ringo knew what was so special. But he’s happy as long as he can be at Norma’s side. They also made it to Yellowstone National Park which Norma really loved. When asked in an interview with Huffington Post, she reported, “The water and mud bubbling out of the earth? I had never seen anything like that before.”
In the Autumn, they headed south and spent thanksgiving in New Orleans. During the winter, they stayed around Florida to keep warm, hitting spots like Disney, St. Augustine, Kennedy Space Center, and Orlando, where Norma experienced her first hot air balloon ride. This ride truly was a moment of a lifetime. Ramie wrote, “That was our Christmas present to her. It was a huge highlight for all of us. It was simply unforgettable.”
The adorable duo may be seen here at the Roswell UFO Museum. Ringo, on the other hand, seemed to be less intrigued in the aliens than Norma. The fact that Norma and Ringo (the Poodle) have become best friends is the part of this vacation that has really warmed our hearts. Norma has always been a cat person, but her cat died a few years ago, and she has been on her own since then. Ringo, on the other hand, seemed to have found a special place in Norma’s heart.
The two go absolutely everywhere together. Even when Tim and Ramie leave the van, Ringo stays within arm’s reach of Norma. Sometimes, the two change places. Here Norma decided to take a hold of the controls, while Ringo relaxed in the wheelchair. Norma is pictured here one morning, waving to her son from the giant camper van, with a huge smile spread across her face.
Norma doesn’t take her health condition as an excuse to stop doing the things she loves, which includes a nice cold bottle of beer after a long day of traveling and sightseeing. Sometimes the two need to take a break. Here they are having a rest in the afternoon sun after a long day of traveling.
Since the start of their trip, they have traveled over 6,000 miles and have no intentions to stop. Norma is in no pain and is still very sharp. She is having the absolute time of her life and has no regrets for making the decision to deny treatment and choose the quality of life with her family.
Norma is pictured here one morning, waving to her son from the giant camper van, with a huge smile spread across her face. Norma doesn’t take her health condition as an excuse to stop doing the things she loves, which includes a nice cold bottle of beer after a long day of traveling and sightseeing.
Sometimes the two need to take a break. Here they are having a rest in the afternoon sun after a long day of traveling. Since the start of their trip, they have traveled over 6,000 miles and have no intentions to stop. Norma is in no pain and is still very sharp. She is having the absolute time of her life and has no regrets for making the decision to deny treatment and choose the quality of life with her family.