This woman dream of becoming mom came true at the age of 54. What was the price will amaze you!

Magda Upton from Sydney first thought about becoming a mother when she was 39 years old. She underwent examinations and began treatment for infertility. Since Magda didn’t have a permanent partner she decided to have a child by artificial insemination.

She applied to many fertility clinics and paid a lot of money, but did not get the desired results. In one of the clinics, doctors suggested contacting a psychotherapist to help her accept the fact that she might not be able to have children.

Magda has undergone 2.5 IVF cycles in the ten years since she began therapy, with the third being interrupted owing to health issues. The woman has already had two pregnancies, both of which ended in a miscarriage at eight weeks.

Magda was desperate and on the verge of giving up. She began to consider adoption, but she would have to wait at least seven years because single mothers are always last on the waiting list.

In 2017, Magda went to Cape Town for two donor embryos. The woman left almost $11,000 in the clinic and it was her last chance to become a mother. When Magda returned to Sydney, she was very nervous, not knowing how the operation would go.

However, she felt relieved when the first ultrasound showed that she was pregnant with healthy twins. In 2018, at the age of 54, Magda gave birth to two daughters. She is a freelance designer, works for herself, and devotes a lot of time to her children.

In her opinion, motherhood at a later age has its advantages.

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