The 153 Mile Store first opened in 1900, but it closed in 1963 after the store owner died unexpectedly. The merchandise is still in the store, exactly as it was on the day it closed. The past can be fascinating, but until time travel is invented, none of us will be able to visit it. However, one man had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get as close to time travel as possible.
Dustin Porter from Destination Adventure visited the 153 Mile Store in British Columbia. The general store appears to be exactly the same as it did nearly 60 years ago. Porter was astounded by how well the store had been preserved. Everything looked as if it had never left the past, from the shelves to the displays to the countertops.
The 153 Mile Store first opened in 1900, but it closed in 1963 after the store owner died unexpectedly. Dustin grew up not far from the location, as he explains in the video below. He’d always known about it, but being able to see it was a life-changing experience for him.
“It’s rare to see old artifacts in good condition,” he said, “but this store is FULL of artifacts in literally brand new condition.” View the video below: