This incredible story occurred in the United States 21 years ago. Brielle and Kiri, twin girls, were born prematurely at 28 weeks. They weighed around 900 grams and their lives were in danger. Doctors did everything they could to save the babies lives.
Brielle quickly gained weight after being placed in an incubator, and baby Kiri was distressed. Nurse Gail Kasparyan, who cared for newborns in this department, was concerned about the babies’ health and decided to break the rules. In an incubator, the woman transferred the baby to a strong sister.
She believed that the twins could not be separated because they grew up together and their presence was necessary for their well-being. After a while, the nurse went to the crumbs and saw an incredible picture, so Brielle hugged her sister with her hand.
Kiri’s health improved, her pulse was normal, and the baby quickly gained weight. The baby sensed her sister’s support and appeared to come to life. It’s nothing short of miraculous! A vital hospital rule has changed: the twins were placed in the same incubator or crib.