Interabled Couple Inspires People with Their Love Story and Everlasting Relationship that Outlasts Internet Trolls

True love triumphs! A relationship may not be perfect, but a strong bond can overcome any flaws. A couple in an interabled relationship is living proof that they can overcome obstacles and dispel myths. Despite the fact that they are both misunderstood, they are not afraid to face the outside world and prove them wrong. Squirmy and Grubs is the YouTube channel run by this couple.

 Let’s look at their love story.Shane Burcaw was born with spinal muscular atrophy and has been wheelchair-bound since the age of two. Hannah Aylward, a college student at the time, learned about Shane and his disability from a documentary. She became interested in Shane at that moment and took the initiative to contact him.Later, they began exchanging emails and discovered that their values, life preferences, and personal feelings were mutual and that they were compatible.

Soon after, they met in person, became friends, and eventually began dating. They frequently shared their daily lives as a couple on social networking sites and gave advice on how a couple should deal with a disabled person in a relationship. They inspired netizens, and their social media pages gained more than 130,000 followers in less than a year.

Although the couple gained popularity through their online videos, malicious people left hurtful comments claiming that the woman was only interested in the man’s fame and property. Shane was informed of this and stated unequivocally that Hannah’s emails had touched him and that he thought she had a pleasant personality. “After seeing what happened to him and getting to know him, I fell in love with him deeply,” Hannah explained.

“I want to take care of him, and I am willing to help him push his wheelchair for the rest of his life.” Many people were moved by her sincerity. Shane and Hannah will marry in September of 2020. Because they wanted to start a family, the couple tried to conceive naturally for two years, but it was impossible due to Shane’s lower body atrophy.

They persisted with their family plans, recently announcing their intention to have a baby through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), in the hopes that one day they will have a baby of their own and their family will be complete.Shane and Hannah’s love story inspired countless netizens and touched everyone’s hearts. Hannah’s dedication to caring for Shane and giving him all the love he deserves is beyond comprehension. Many people have expressed their admiration and gratitude for Hannah’s bravery!

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