Hello there, buddies! Today, I’ve got a fantastic tip that will undoubtedly make a difference in your life. Stick around until the end of this article because I’m about to give you a great tip that you won’t want to miss. Let’s start by gathering our stuff. You will need a container. I’m using a plastic one, but feel free to use anything you have available.
Next, we’ll need some coffee grounds. Yes, it is right! We’re reusing those coffee grinds rather than throwing them away. Here’s how it works: Take your used coffee grounds and dry them in the sun. Once they’re completely dried, we’ll begin our amazing recipe. First, we’ll need roughly 4 tablespoons of coffee powder—no need to be precise; just estimate.
Now get some alcohol. It could be any form of alcohol, such as cleaning or 70-proof. We’ll add 4 tablespoons of alcohol to the mixture. Now, let’s start mixing! Coffee grounds can be tenacious, so give them a good stir until they form a paste-like consistency. Let’s connect! While we’re at it, leave a comment below and tell me where country you’re tuning in from—I’ll send you a virtual hug!
The Final Touch. Okay, back to our recipe. Once your mixture is done, squeeze the juice of a lemon (any sort would do) into it. This recipe is genuine gold, believe me—it’s full of benefits! Remove Funky Smells. Now for the fun part. We’re going to utilize this great recipe to get rid of any weird odors in our refrigerator.
Simply place it in the corner of your fridge and it will work its magic to eliminate any scents, whether they are from vegetables, meat, or something else.
So there you have it! A easy, homemade recipe that will quickly freshen up your refrigerator. Give it a try and you’ll see how fantastic it is. Happy cooking, everyone!