Music has true powers of healing. People will turn to their favorite song to give themselves a little bit of comfort on a bad day; it won’t solve the problem, but it will make you feel better — guaranteed! This reason is why a lot of doctors and nurses encourage playing music or singing to patients when they’re at the hospital. It helps them heal.
By listening to music, the doctor in the video below was able to make a difference and help ailing children get through another day at the hospital. In this entertaining video, you’ll find Dr. Paulo Martins of Ribeirao Preto Clinical Hospital in Sao Paulo playing the ukelele and singing along. But there’s more to it than that!
Dr. Martins isn’t the only star in the footage; he’s accompanied by a little patient named Sophie. The man was walking from room to room, strumming the instrument and serenading the children when Sophie took a special liking to this doctor. She was patiently waiting for him down the hallway, and when he was done singing and playing, she insisted that he keep going. So, he did!
The 17-month-old girl has an immune system issue and has been subjected to extremely severe treatment. Her diagnosis as well as the treatments have taken a toll on her. As a result, she requires moments like the one below on a regular basis. Sophie is a fan of Dr. Martins, and the way she moves to the music and enjoys his voice proves that she can employ this method of healing more frequently. Dr. Martins is a hero for giving this kind of entertainment to the students at a time when they really need it.
I feel little Sophie is a great example of how kids can get through anything. For someone who is so ill, she doesn’t let the moment to dance out of her hand. Regardless of how she’s feeling, she gets out of her bed and shakes a leg. This little tot is a great reminder of how you should do what you love to do, always.
Click on the video below and watch Sophie dance to the beat of the music!