Wanda, who was 90 years old, was feeling isolated and lonely. It’s a common feeling for many elderly people who outlive their friends and may not have family to care for them. Wanda was desperate for social interaction, so she took matters into her own hands. She wrote a note and left it on the door of one of her San Francisco neighbors, Marleen Brooks. Wanda’s note was a straightforward, heartfelt request…
“Would you consider becoming my friend?” read the note. I’m 90 years old and live on my own. All of my friends have died. I’m lonely and scared. I’d like to pray for someone.” When Marleen read Wanda’s note, she said it made her “heart sad,” but “on the bright side, it looks like I will be getting a new friend.” The next evening, Marleen went over to Wanda’s house with a friend to introduce herself, and she brought cupcakes with her.
Marleen then wrote to Frank Somerville of KTVU News to tell him what had happened. “Frank, She’s a lovely lady! And she was overjoyed when we arrived. ‘I hope you didn’t think I was stupid for writing you, but I had to do something,’ Wanda explained. Thank you so much for stopping by. I’ve been here for 50 years and have never met any of my neighbors.’
Wanda has three sons, one of whom died of cancer last year.
The other two are quite far away. She is 90 years old, on oxygen, and suffers from congestive heart failure, osteoporosis, and other ailments. We brought her cupcakes because we didn’t have enough time
Wanda’s letter has been shared by hundreds of people on Facebook since she shared her story. “I love this story,” Frank responded. “And I’m overjoyed for Wanda. However, as I mentioned in my first post, Wanda is not alone in her loneliness. I’d like you to consider knocking on their door and saying hello. I know it would mean everything to them. And who knows, you might make a new friend.”
This is excellent advice. Consider volunteering at a senior center or a senior living facility in your area. There are numerous ways to help and make a difference. Marleen also stated that she shared her story to “remind people that there are a lot of lonely people out there.” Especially the elderly.”
“If you know someone like that in your neighborhood, maybe consider going over to their house and saying hello,” she added. Bring them some cookies as well. I am confident that you will brighten their day. At the same time, you might make a new friend. What a fantastic idea!” It’s heartwarming to see people take the initiative to spend time with Wanda and be her friend, like Marleen. If you agree, please share.