I have a confession to make. There’s a shelf in my laundry room that I’m ashamed of. It’s above the washer and holds all of the various laundry products that I have bought in hopes of having the cleanest, brightest, freshest smelling laundry. Recently, this shelf became so overloaded that it fell.
I was watching TV in the living room when I heard a terrible crash. I thought the house had been hit by a meteor. But, no, it was just my laundry shelf collapsing. Detergents, sprays, powders, and other items were thrown to the floor.
Instead of doing the right thing and sorting through those cleaners, I simply reinstalled the shelf and neatly rearranged all of the bottles and boxes. I was watching TV in the living room when I heard a terrible crash. I thought the house had been hit by a meteor. But, no, it was just my laundry shelf collapsing. Detergents, sprays, powders, and other items were thrown to the floor.
Instead of doing the right thing and sorting through those cleaners, I simply reinstalled the shelf and neatly rearranged all of the bottles and boxes.
It’s only a matter of time before another disaster occurs. But, I’ve found a single item that will replace all of those cleaners, and help me gain control over my laundry room. I want to share this tip with you so you can use it, too!
It’ll help you save some money and also prevent your favorite clothes from going bad because this cleaner includes no toxins! That one item is simple and inexpensive — it’s WHITE VINEGAR. Here’s how using white vinegar in your laundry will help give you cleaner, brighter,՛
fresher clothes and linens. Give it a shot and let us know what you think! Have you used other ingredients in your laundry right from home? Does it make a difference? Share your laundry secrets with us in the comments!
You can catch the video below to show you how this method works and why adding vinegar to your laundry is important!