Dr. Stacey Picart Explains Why Women Should Stop Peeing In The Shower. You should read this!

Listen, we are not here to shame anyone at all. All we are saying is that there are plenty of shower pee-ers out there and we refuse to believe that this is not common. Are we going to admit to doing such things in our own home? At this time, our legal team is advising us not to confirm or deny these allegations. Thankfully, we can rest assured that we’re not alone.

According to Shape Magazine, a whopping 80% of people they surveyed admitted to peeing in the shower. While this may seem like a harmless habit to most, there are doctors who are advising women against it. We still refuse to confirm or deny our habits in this regardd but we are still curious as to why they would say such a thing!!

All of this is a part of our own scientific investigations. As of late, you can watch Dr. Alicia Jeffrey Thomas’ videos on TikTok at your leisure. For those who are curious, she goes by the username @scrambledjam. That habit of ours, it turns out, could be detrimental to our health in ways we didn’t even realize.

Dr. Stacey Picart, a gynecologist, is here to explain. Dr. Picart explains that having tight pelvic floor muscles can put you at risk for recurrent urinary tract infections by preventing your bladder from emptying completely. Peeing in the shower is a bad habit that we’re ingraining into our bodies if we keep doing it.

It’s not uncommon for people to urinate in the shower unnecessarily, which can cause their bladders to become accustomed to emptying at lower volumes and thus lose the ability to hold larger volumes of urine. “You can also train your brain to recognize running water as a signal to empty your bladder, which can be problematic if you feel the urge to go every time you hear a running tap!!”

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