A woman dressed simply and with a sad face, entered a supermarket! She approached the owner and asked him if she could take some products ….

A gloomy, unclothed lady walked into the supermarket! She approached the owner and asked if he would mind taking some items and paying later. She explained in hushed tones that her husband was very sick and couldn’t work, that she and her husband had seven children, and that they were in desperate need of food. The store manager asked the security guard to take the woman out of the store. However, she persisted in her plea, remembering her family:

“Please pay me as soon as possible.” “I couldn’t lend or give food to a stranger,” the store manager explained. A customer at the shop’s entrance was listening in on the conversation.” A customer came in and expressed his concern to the store manager about a woman’s purchases. The store manager approached the woman and asked, “Do you have a shopping list?” She replied.

“Sir, yes.” “All right, put your list on the scale, and I’ll feed you when you finish,” he said. After a brief pause, she took the piece of paper and began writing on it. The paper was then placed on the scale with caution. The weight fell as if I had dropped a rock on it. Both the store manager and the customer are taken aback. The store manager began placing food on the opposite side of the scale, but he made no movement.

As a result, more food continued to arrive, but the scale never fit, so she used the paper instead. to see if there are any ruses. As he read the newspaper, the store manager was taken aback. It wasn’t a shopping list, but a prayer that said, “Our Lord Almighty, you know my needs, I leave my entire situation in your hands.” When the lady walked out, the store manager remained silent and handed her everything on the scale.

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